"Soft Girl Era" Slumps


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This week, I'm talking about some things I've noticed about "Soft girl era" biz mindset.

I'm talking about the pros & cons and some of the mindset slumps I've noticed in myself & in clients.

In this week's episode YOU'LL LEARN:

  • Defining what it means to adopt a "soft girl" way of running a business. I define this differently!

  • The pros & the cons of being in your soft girl era

  • The 3 main things you need to look out for

  • THE soft girl era motto that I want you to adopt ASAP.

This episode is packed with things to help you strike a healthy balance between being in your power while also not shying away from the hard work that's required to build a business.

Tap in, tune in & turn it up!

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Kylie Clayborne

Mindset & Business Coach for female entreprenuers


I think you should start an email list


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